The End of Silence

I’ve always known I was too damn smart to get stuck in an abusive relationship. If I spotted the manipulation, it couldn’t affect me. I was too perceptive to be controlled, too aware to let someone get the better of me, and yet I’ve spent several months having my self-worth chipped away one piece at a time, and leaving was a struggle that I still barely understand.

I knew what was happening. His psychological abuse was not exactly covert, and yet I kept trying to fix it, kept taking all the blame onto my own shoulders. Every time I managed to leave, I went back. I told my friends how many mistakes I made. I developed a hundred ways of taking on all the blame. Self-awareness has its downfalls in a relationship like that. I knew all my flaws, and if I could just become perfect, it would mend every bridge. I could earn love if I could just change enough.

I was told that no man would ever be good enough for my impossible standards. I believed him.


I existed in his world according to his rules. My identity went onto the pile alongside my dignity and self-esteem. I was trained to behave like a good rescue dog: never bark, always sit when told, greet every cruelty with loyalty and obedience. What I struggled to learn was how to be silenced. For the longest time, I used my voice, even when I was scared to. That was my greatest downfall. You don’t speak your truth unless you’re willing to accept the rage that follows, and so ultimately I lost the courage to speak up.

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The Social Justice Warrior Oath

I swear by Dick the Neanderthal that I will fulfil according to my spinelessness this oath and this covenant:

To hold my withered ego as unequal to those who are really into human rights and bullshit like that; to live my life in opposition to social justice, and to pretend I give a shit about it anyway, as that keeps me entertained and nothing’s on TV. I will dogpile for the benefit of my two hate groups. I will whine and call you whiners but if I need social justice, like respect in internet threads and shit like that, I will def be right, cuz justice, right?

I will neither give a kind word to anybody, nor will I make an implication to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a trauma survivor or disabled person et cetera peace and quiet when I’m in the mood for trolling and popcorn and shit. In dichotomy and hypocrisy, I will guard my reputation cuz don’t take away my fucking soapbox, okay?


I will not use my entire IQ, not even on people without privilege, but I will withdraw stuff I said before in favour of seeming to be superior and spiritual. And also maybe to win the debate. Or to make everyone so confused they don’t notice that I lost the debate.

Whatever threads I visit, I will come for the benefit of making everyone run amok. And being an SJW makes me seem cool. And it’s quick to type, as well. Like LOL and IMHO, which I will also use to further our cause.

What I may learn in the course of my Tumbler odyssey or even outside Tumbler when I feel brave, I will on no account spread into real life, holding such things shameful where causes that count might bore me.

If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to be honoured with fame among my five friends and spotting groups for all time to come; if I transgress it and actually make a real difference, may the opposite of this be my lot but don’t take my fucking Cheetos, okay?

(Variation of the Hippocratic Oath)